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Our Lady and St John's Catholic Primary School

We Live, Learn and Love with Jesus

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The English curriculum aims to develop language skills in four different areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The school’s aim is that each child should achieve the highest level of performance of which he or she is capable, in every aspect of English. We aim to provide our pupils with a wide experience of literature throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1 and 2.


  • To provide a language rich environment that promotes a culture of communication, reading and writing;

  • To develop in pupils a love of books that will not only support their learning across the curriculum, but also will enrich their lives;

  • To value and use books as a basis for learning, pleasure, talk and play;

  • To teach children the craft of writing, including handwriting, in order to develop in them the confidence and skills to write well for a range of purposes and audiences;

  • To systematically teach spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation – to ensure accuracy within creativity;

  • To foster in pupils the confidence, desire and ability to express their views and opinions both orally and in writing;

  • To raise the standards of communication, reading and writing so that every child makes good progress;

  • To value and celebrate diversity in culture and language.


As well as our usual classroom based lessons, we try to offer children the ability to learn in different settings or in different ways. With this in mind, we often invite authors, poets, storytellers and drama groups into school to provide assemblies and workshops for our children. These events often prove popular and engaging for the children, who often produce their best work based on these experiences.

Book Week is always an exciting time in school as the children come to school dressed as their favourite book characters and all lessons are centred around a love for reading. 

