Prayer Life
Prayer is at the heart of our school. Staff join together in prayer every morning and children share an act of collective worship with their teacher, or an assembly, at the start of each day. During this, children are given the opportunity to pray and listen to the word of God through the ‘reflection for the week.’
During whole school worship, children are reflective and show they are aware of the importance of praying together as a whole school community through their behaviour. Other prayer times also include before and after lunch, and at the end of the school day.
Children in upper KS2 lead a Gospel Liturgy on a weekly basis. The Wednesday Word is used for child led worship in class.
We also use the Ten Ten prayer resources and the Mark 10 Mission liturgies.
Collective worship
Celebration Assembly
Ten Ten Collective worship and Mark 10 Mission
RE Newsletters
Sunday Liturgies for Families