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Our Lady and St John's Catholic Primary School

We Live, Learn and Love with Jesus

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Liturgical Year

At Our Lady & St John's we take the time to celebrate the seasons of the Liturgical Year. All of our class displays reflect the Liturgical colour. We spend time in our R.E lessons looking at the events in the churches calender and we celebrate many of them together through collective worship. We recognise the importance of Advent and Lent and encourage children to spend this time thinking about their role as a disciple of Jesus. During the months of October and May we remember Mary and pray the rosary together, exploring the different mysteries as we go.


How we celebrate the Liturgical Year:


Prayer tables are green at start of academic year.

Harvest Thanksgiving - We have a Harvest Mass celebrated ion Church. Food is collected during the month of October for our local food bank - Hanwell Homeless Centre or Ealing Foodbank.

Month of the Rosary: October is the month of the Rosary. Classes are encouraged to pray the Rosary.

Advent: The prayer table is changed to purple.

This is the season to prepare for Christmas Introduction and the blessing of the Advent Wreath. 

Christmas: Celebration of the Nativity through drama in the Infants and Early Years.

The Juniors participate in a Carol concert.


Prayer tables are white for Christmas season then green for Ordinary Time after the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord.

Epiphany (if in term time) – Parish Mass

Lent: The prayer table should be changed to purple. Ash Wednesday is celebrated in church if it is term time.

Easter – The resurrection of our Lord is celebrated during the school holidays however covered through our RE topic. Special assembly and displays to highlight the importance of this feast.  Y4 & Y5 lead the Stations of the Cross service.


Prayer table is gold/white for Easter season until Pentecost where they change to green for Ordinary Time.

First Holy Communions: The children in Year 3 (there may be children from other year groups) make their First Holy Communion in May. The school community celebrates with all the children at a Year 3 Thanksgiving Mass and celebration in school.

Ascension: Covered in RE Topic work

Pentecost: Covered in RE Topic work

Corpus Christi: Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Mass in the Church Y1 -6.

Feast of St. Peter and Paul: Celebrated with Mass in the Church Y1-6.

Leavers Mass: A farewell celebration for the Year 6 leavers.


Y5 & Y6 at the Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral
