RE Inspection 2022 - Outstanding
It is with great pleasure that I can share our report following our recent RE Inspection. Our children were wonderful ambassadors and a great credit to you, their parents. We are so proud of them, who together with our staff have worked so hard, and with dedication to achieve such high standards in Religious Education. We have achieved ‘Outstanding’ in every area that was inspected – a huge achievement!
“Pupils show a positive and enthusiastic commitment to their learning resulting in excellent progress at each key stage.”
The inspectors made particular reference to the high level of spirituality and reflection within our pupils.
“An observed Gospel Assembly, led by pupils, was outstanding, enabling high levels of participation by the children.”
We especially thank those parents who met the inspectors in the morning and to all those that returned the questionnaire. There was an overwhelming positive response to the questionnaire; 99% of parents strongly agree or agree with what the school provides for their children.
School leadership is graded as outstanding.
“Leadership at all levels shows a dedicated and dynamic commitment to the Church’s mission in education…” and Governors “make a strong and valued contribution to the Catholic life of the school.”
We thank our Governing Body for their continued support and guidance to us all. We can indeed be very proud of our whole school community; it is my privilege to be the Headteacher of this wonderful and highly successful Catholic school. We are clearly reflecting our mission: ‘we live, learn and love with Jesus’, which “informs all aspects of school life and is evident in all relationships and encounters in Our Lady & St John’s.”
Mrs. S. Cunningham
Head Teacher